My doctoral research was undertaken at James Cook University in Cairns. My supervisor was Adjunct Professor Stephen Torre and my co-supervisor was Dr Ariella Van Luyn.

My research is led by my creative practice and I continue to compose new works in a series of live performances which incorporate tessellated poetic texts, narrative monologue and photographic images. See the page on Wet: an appetite for the tropics for details of performances.

To complement my creative work, I write theoretical and exegetic texts.

To learn more about aspects of my doctoral project see my paper published in JASAL, the Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Vol 14, No 3 (2014):

A Continuity of Country: Enlivenment in a Live Evocation of Place

My Original Research Title:

My doctoral research was originally called Wet: An Appetite for the Tropics – Evoking Connections with the Wet Tropics Environment Through Poetry in Live Performance.

 My Research Inquiry began with this question:

How can the experience of living in the Wet Tropics, focusing on human interactions and relationships with and within the natural environment, be interpreted through poetry in live performances which are designed to engage audiences and evoke awareness of place while exploring meaningful connections to the Wet Tropics environment?

However, it morphed into something quite different – but more on that later.

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